Sendig MTs with SMPP

When sending SMS set the parameters below in the submit_sm protocol data unit (PDU).

The following table lists the parameters that are required when sending MT messages. For information about optional parameters, see Optional parameters HERE

Field Description
Source TON

Set the Source TON to 0x01 for international and 0x02 for national. Txtwire recommends 0x01 for international.

Value: 0x01, 0x02

Source NPI

Set the Source NPI to 0x01 for ISDN/E.164.

Value: 0x01

Source Address

Set the Source Address to your assigned code.

Value: 5 - 10 digits

Destination TON

Set the Destination TON set to 0x01 for international or 0x00 for unknown. Txtwire recommends 0x01 for international.

Value: 0x00, 0x01

Destination NPI

Set this to 0x01 for ISDN/E.164.

Value: 0x01

Destination Address

Format the Destination Address of the recipient using the international E.164 format; e.g., followed by the . . Example: 13135551212

Value: 11 digits

Carrier ID

(TLV) Txtwire carrier ID

Value: > 0

Group Keyword

(TLV) Group Default Keyword that the message will be assigned to.

Value: 5-10 characters. Will be provided or can be obtained in on the txtwire platform. Login, Click Manage, Click Organization. In the drop down select the group that the message is to be assigned. Group keyword is the keyword next to Default Keyword: “12345ABC”