Optional SMPP Parameters

The SMPP 3.4 specification provides the capability to define optional SMPP protocol parameters, which enable the definition of custom parameters specific to Txtwire SMS requirements. SMPP protocol optional parameters are defined in tag, length, and value (TLV) format. Because protocol data units (PDUs) use a structure defined by the transaction type, any optional parameters appear at the end of the PDU, and the order does not matter.

Txtwire supports the following custom parameters using SMPP v3.4:

  • carrier_id
  • group_keyword
  • receipted_message_id (contains the Txtwire ticket ID in the deliver sm PDU for MOs)
  • response_code

Carrier ID

The optional carrier_id parameter to identifies the mobile operator used by the (source address) of an MO message. For example, if an MO message from a Verizon subscriber is routed to your SMPP session (deliver_sm operation), the carrier_id field contains "6". When you issue a submit_sm command for an MT message, the carrier ID tells Txtwire where to send the message. If you do not submit the carrier_id, Txtwire can determine the destination carrier_id for you. For a current list of mobile operators, see the Carriers page.

TLV Description
Size: 2
Type: short
Valid values: 0x3201
Size: 2
Type: short
Valid values:
  • 0 - unknown operator or lookup faild
  • >0 - a valid Txtwire operator ID
Required: Optional

Group Keyword

Use group_keyword TLV to provide the group_keyword that is provisioned for your specific campaign.

TLV Description
Size: 2
Type: short
Valid values: 0x2150
Size: variable
Constraints: maximum 10
Type: octet string
Required: Yes

Response Code

The response code may be returned for:

  • submit_sm_response PDU
  • deliver_sm PDU for delivery receipts

If present, the value of the TLV contains one of Txtwire's response codes to indicate an error condition.

For details about all error and response codes see the error codes page at SSL//api.txtwire.com/documentation/error_code.html.

TLV Description
Size: 2
Type: short
Valid values: 0x2153
Size: variable
Type: short
Valid values: The Txtwire response code.
Maximum: 65536
Required: Yes