SMPP Account Configuration Settings

This table describes configuration settings to be defined in the Txtwire SMPP provisioning process. For more information, see the SMPP Protocol Specification v3.4

Configuration Setting Values How to Use
SMSC Host Contact your Txtwire account manager to assign you an SMPP host. This is the host to use when establishing SMPP binds to Txtwire. Txtwire supports transmitter, receiver, and transmitter binds.
SMSC Port Contact your Txtwire account manager to assign you an SMPP port. This is the host port to use when establishing SMPP binds to Txtwire.
SMPP Version 3.4 This is the interface_version value to use in the SMPP BIND PDU operation. Use SMPP version 3.4 unless your SMPP platform cannot support version 3.4.
System ID Your Txtwire SMPP account ID. This is the system_id value to use in the SMPP BIND PDU operation.
Password The valid password for your SMPP account. This is the password value to use in the SMPP BIND PDU operation.
System Type SMS For delivery of SMS messages.
Address Range Not required SMPP BIND PDU operation
Number of allowed concurrent sessions 2 (default) The total number of concurrent SMPP binds allowed for your account.
Throttle Rate 8 Default maximum MT submits/second. Default throttle rate. The rate at which you can sent MT to Txtwire for delivery.
Connection Timeout 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds) Txtwire recommends your application send ENQUIRE_LINK PDUs at least every 20 seconds if your application is not actively submitting messages.