The parameters used in the Txtwire ESME Documentation:
- SMS: Short Message Service
- SMSC: Short Message Service Center
- ESME: External Short Messaging Entity
- PDU: Protocol Description Unit (ie. how the SMSs are communicated)
- SMPP Server: SMPP Server that allows to the clients to send SMSs
- SMPP Client: Client that wants to send SMSs through our SMPP Server
- Host: IP number where the SMPP Server is hosted
- Port: Connection port that the SMPP Server is listening for your account
- Password: unique system password sent to the SMPPClient
- System_id: System id to use when connection to SMPP Server
- System_type: Identifies the type of ESME system requesting to bind as a transmitter with the SMSC.
- TON: Type Of Number
- NPI: Numbering Plan Indicator